Home » Avoid Scams
Often you will see newspaper and Internet adds, promising you a complete air duct cleaning for an unreasonably low price. Can this be real? Are those deals too good to be true. As you will find out, in most cases it is.
Most scam operators take advantage of customer’s misunderstanding of the power requirements to clean a house. Scammers will come to your house with nothing but a portable vacuum cleaner with a single bag. Such machines are too weak to remove any dirt from your ducts.
Using such vacuum cleaners, the scammers will clean only the areas surrounding your vents to create the visibility of cleanliness, while leaving most of the ventilation system filthy. Do not allow this to happen!
If you want to know more about Air Quality and Health or how to Avoid Scams please check our resources page.
Other scammers use scare tactics to persuade customers to pay for services you do not need. They will make you think that your house is mold-contaminated, and will charge you thousands of dollars to clean up an nonexistent threat. Just watch this video to see how such scammers operate.