Facts About Fire Restoration for Homeowners

Facts about Fire Restoration for Homeowners

A house fire is devastating, whether it’s the result of faulty wiring, wildfires, or any other cause. Homeowners are never prepared for the devastation and costs that come along with house fires. Fire restoration isn’t something homeowners like to think about, but in the event of a house fire, it is a necessity.

Following is a guide on how to deal with restoration after a fire. One of the best ways to prevent house fires is to schedule dryer vent cleaning with a professional cleaning company. Dryer fires are one of the leading causes of house fires in North America and worldwide. 

Tips About Fire Restoration

  • Properly Assess the Damage to Your Home

Once you are sure that entry into your home has been cleared by the fire department, you will need to assess the damages. The best way to get an accurate assessment is to hire a professional fire damage restoration company. They will be able to conduct a comprehensive and thorough assessment of the total damage to your home. All the information should be documented for insurance purposes. 

As soon as you are able to do so, any undamaged items such as rugs, fabrics, and furniture should be removed from your home. Smoke lingers in the air and can become trapped in the fibers, so it is best to prevent this by removing non-damaged items from your home and safely store them until the restoration process is complete.

  • Make Sure to Hire a Professional Company for Fire Restoration Service

Take the time to research the right company for cleanup from fire damage. Your home insurance company might even be able to give you some recommendations. 

Get quotes and ask questions before you hire a company. Sadly, there are many people that are out to prey on house fire victims, so make sure the company is reputable before signing an agreement.

  • Cleaning Process

It is virtually impossible to clean the amount of soot and smoke that result from a house fire on your own. It takes a professional cleaning company to handle the deep cleaning that is required to rid your home of smoke and soot.

As well, if your home has suffered water damage, your home will have to be pumped and then aired out to rid it of excess moisture. The cleaning company will use specialized fans and heaters to dry the interior and contents of your home. Next, they will be properly sanitized.

In addition, they may need to thoroughly clean any upholstery and carpet on your hype. You might consider replacing those times that are not too costly, as it can actually cost more to clean them.  

  • Make Sure the Foundation is Secure

During a fire, the structure in your home can become weakened if they have been singed. This means that you may need repairs to the foundation of your home to ensure its safety in the future. A reputable fire restoration team will be able to determine if these repairs are needed.

  • Repairs

Restoration teams will start with the ceilings and walls, and then work their way to the floor structure of your home. If the wood in your home is unfinished, it may need to be fixed with a sealant to mask the odor. However, if the wood is finished, it can simply be stripped and sanded before refinishing. This is the best way to ensure that all the odors trapped within are removed. 

  • Renovation Process

Some homeowners turn the trauma of a house fire into a renovation process. As cleaning and repairs can be time-consuming and costly, many opt to just start over. This is the best option if the damage to your home is extensive. 

Home renovation can give you a new start and help ease the tragedy of a fire. Most companies will offer repair and renovation as part of their restoration process

As stated before, dryer fires are one of the main causes of house fires. Annual dryer vent cleaning by a professional cleaning company can greatly reduce the risk of a dryer fire. As well, always make sure that the batteries in your smoke detector are working in the event of an actual fire. Call Comfort Clean today for an estimate for dryer and air vent cleaning!

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