Five Signs It Is Time to Book a Dryer Vent Cleaning

Five Signs It Is Time to Book a Dryer Vent Cleaning

One of the real workhorses of the home is the dryer vent, and many homeowners in the Toronto area, do not even realize that this essential part of the house needs a dryer vent cleaning service ever so often. So, how do you tell that you need a vent cleaning? To help answer this question, here are five signs it is about time to book a dryer vent cleaning service in Toronto.

  • Drying Time Has Increased

As vents start to get clogged, you will start to notice your dryer needs a couple of rotations actually to get the clothes dry. This is not only annoying, but it can also mean a significant increase in electricity cost as each time you use the dryer it will have to run two or three times. However, it can be helped, and that is with a dryer vent cleaning in Toronto. No matter if you are looking for a residential vent cleaning or commercial vent cleaning, increased dryer time is undoubtedly a sign that it might be time to book a dryer vent cleaning.

  • The Outside of the Dryer is Getting Hot

If your dryer is starting to get noticeably warm every time that it runs, it might be time for a residential or commercial dryer vent cleaner to come in and take a look. Excessive heat means that your dryer is not venting properly and that your system has a clog. This is not only a waste of energy, but it also can limit the lifespan of your dryer if it is ignored. If you are noticing excessive heat, it might be time to call for a dryer vent cleaning in Toronto.

  • You Notice a Burning Smell Every Time Your Dryer Runs

A burning smell is never a good thing, and dryers can burn lint that is trapped in the vent, drum, or lint trap. If your dryer gets too hot, lint can start to catch fire, which could mean the end of your entire unit. To avoid this, as soon as you begin to smell burning around your laundry room, you need to call one of the best commercial dryer vent cleaning companies in the city to get your dryer vents inspected and cleaned!

  • Vent Hood Flap is Not Opening Properly

One of the easiest ways to visually see that you need cleaning is if your dryer vent opening is not opening up properly. A vent opening that struggles to open can be an issue of several things, but most commonly, it is a result of excess lint or dust. If you notice that your dryer’s outside vent is not able to open correctly during operation, it means that it is time for vent inspection and potentially a vent cleaning.

  • It Has Been Over a Year Since Your Last Inspection

Dryer vent cleaning is part of the routine cleaning services that should be completed regularly. No matter if we are talking residential vent cleaning or commercial vent cleaning, a dryer vent cleaning service in Toronto should be done at least once a year by a certified residential or commercial dryer vent cleaner!

If you are looking for a dryer vent cleaning service in this great city, then it is about time that you called the leader in commercial dryer vent cleaning companies! With residential and commercial expertise, our team is uniquely set up to complete inspections and vent cleanings throughout the GTA. Call us today and see the difference that a quality dryer vent cleaning service can make on your dryers’ performance and overall health!

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